


The chain takes an array of middleware. Upon request, it will sequentially process each middleware and return a NextResponse with the collected data (summary).

This could be a series of your custom middlewares:

import { type NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { chain } from "@nimpl/middleware-chain";
export const middleware = chain([
    async (request: NextRequest) => {
        const next = NextResponse.next({ headers: new Headers({ "x-pathname": request.nextUrl.pathname }) });
        next.cookies.set("test", "cookie", { domain: "localhost", secure: true });
        return next;
    async (request: NextRequest) => {
        return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL("/rewritten", request.url));

And a series of ready-made solutions:

import { default as authMiddleware } from "next-auth/middleware";
import createMiddleware from "next-intl/middleware";
import { chain } from "@nimpl/middleware-chain";
const intlMiddleware = createMiddleware({
    locales: ["en", "dk"],
    defaultLocale: "en",
export default chain([

Important: NextResponse.rewrite, NextResponse.redirect, and NextResponse.json do not terminate the execution of the chain. If the subsequent middleware of the chain returns a new type - the chain will continue execution with new data. At the same time, a message of the following type will be output to the console: http://localhost:3000/ (none) -> http://localhost:3000/rewritten (rewrite)

This is done so that it is possible to pass several ready-made solutions (such as for example next-auth and next-intl)

You can stop the execution of the chain using FinalNextResponse.

Item Rules

In some situations, you may need to run certain chain middlewares only for specified paths.

In this situation, you can specify item rules. Simply change the item to an array and pass the rules as the second array item.

You can specify include and exclude rules:

export default chain([
    [intlMiddleware, { exclude: /^\/private(\/.*)?$/ }],
    () => {
        const next = new NextResponse();
        next.cookies.set("custom-cookie", Date.now().toString());
        return next;
    [nextAuth, { include: /^\/private(\/.*)?$/ }],


If you wish, you can embed your middleware between the ready ones, where to stop further execution with the help of returning FinalNextResponse, for example if summary.type === 'redirect'

For instance, in the case with next-intl + next-auth, we may not want authorization handling until the redirect (because after the redirect, the middleware will be processed again):

export default chain([
    (req) => {
        if (req.summary.type === "redirect") return FinalNextResponse.next();