Current Getters


Uses next.js functionality

Retrieves dynamic parameters for the current page. Works the same as useParams, but in a React server component.

For example, for a page at the directory /[locale]/blog/[slug] and pathname /en-de/blog/example - the getter will return { locale: 'en-de', slug: 'example' }

How to

import { getParams } from '@nimpl/getters/get-params'
export default function Component() {
    const params = getParams()
    return (
        // ...


You can pass params object as arguments to getParams.

ignoreDifferenceError - this option disables difference errors, and in such situations, the function will simply return null.

pagePaths - custom page paths for parsing the current pathname (e.g., ["/specific/[locale]/[...subpaths]/page", "/[locale]/base/[...subpaths]/page"]).

const params = getParams({
  ignoreDifferenceError: true,
  pagePaths: ["/specific/[locale]/[...subpaths]/page", "/[locale]/base/[...subpaths]/page"],
// "/specific/de/unknown-page" -> { locale: "de", subpaths: ["unknown-page"] }
// "/it/base/unknown-page" -> { locale: "it", subpaths: ["unknown-page"] }
// "/it/invalid/unknown-page" -> null