


The config is generated at runtime (based on the environment conditions at runtime).

Recommended for API routes or in force-dynamic mode in server components.

import { serverConfig } from '@nimpl/config/server-config';
// ...
const config = await serverConfig;


The config is generated at build time (based on the environment conditions at build time).

Recommended for components that don’t depend on the runtime environment.

import { buildConfig } from '@nimpl/config/build-config';
// ...
const config = buildConfig;

Before using this config, additional setup is required


During the build process, configs are generated for each possible environment (based on the environment conditions at build time). Then, at runtime, the appropriate version is selected.

Recommended for middleware.

import { postbuildConfig } from '@nimpl/config/postbuild-config';
// ...
const config = postbuildConfig;

Before using this config, additional setup is required


An API route is created that generates the config at the time of the request (based on the environment conditions at runtime). Then, on the client side, a provider is initialized that loads the config and returns it after loading (triggering a re-render).

Recommended for components that depend on the runtime environment.

import useRuntimeConfig from '@nimpl/config/use-runtime-config';
// ...
const config = useRuntimeConfig();
if (!config) return <p>Loading...</p>
// ...

Before using this config, additional setup is required