

The package allows you to create a chain of native next.js middlewares without any modifications (i.e., you can add any ready-made middleware to the chain)

export default chain([


Using npm:

npm i @nimpl/middleware-chain

How it works

The middleware-chain processes the passed middlewares in turn.

Each middleware is called with a modified original request argument. The only difference is the enrichment with a summary key with all accumulated data in the format:

interface Summary {
    type: NextType;
    destination?: string | NextURL;
    body?: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>;
    cookies: Map<string, ResponseCookie>;
    headers: Headers;
    status: number;
    statusText?: string;

The summary is readonly, i.e. it cannot be modified. All changes are made only through the native next.js API (by returning NextResponse with necessary additions).


All existing solutions work through their own APIs - made under the style of express or in their own vision. They are useful, well implemented, and convenient. But only in cases where you can update every used middleware.

However, there are many situations where you need to add already prepared solutions. Usually, in the issues of these solutions, you can find “support to add a chain package A, working with chain package B”.

This package follows a plug and play format. In the best traditions of the previous next.js.

This is not Koa and not Express, this is a package for next.js, in its unique style, in the format of its API.



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Create issues with wishes, ideas, difficulties, etc. All of them will definitely be considered and thought over.