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(Former next-impl-config )

The package adding support for configuration for each possible next.js environment (build, server, client, and edge)


For the config, Next.js only offers environment variables - regular ones for the server, and ones with NEXT_PUBLIC prefix, which will be embedded during the build process.

And here are a few downsides:

On the other hand, @nimpl/config offers support for 4 different configuration options for your applications.

Another important advantage of @nimpl/config is that it supports functions (synchronous and asynchronous) and will successfully merge their result.


npm i @nimpl/config



The config is generated at runtime (based on the environment conditions at runtime).

Recommended for API routes or in force-dynamic mode in server components.

import { serverConfig } from '@nimpl/config/server-config';
// ...
const config = await serverConfig;


The config is generated at build time (based on the environment conditions at build time).

Recommended for components that don't depend on the runtime environment.

import { buildConfig } from '@nimpl/config/build-config';
// ...
const config = buildConfig;

Before using this config, additional setup  is required


During the build process, configs are generated for each possible environment (based on the environment conditions at build time). Then, at runtime, the appropriate version is selected.

Recommended for middleware.

import { postbuildConfig } from '@nimpl/config/postbuild-config';
// ...
const config = postbuildConfig;

Before using this config, additional setup  is required


An API route is created that generates the config at the time of the request (based on the environment conditions at runtime). Then, on the client side, a provider is initialized that loads the config and returns it after loading (triggering a re-render).

Recommended for components that depend on the runtime environment.


import useRuntimeConfig from '@nimpl/config/use-runtime-config';
// ...
const config = useRuntimeConfig();

if (!config) return <p>Loading...</p>
// ...

Before using this config, additional setup  is required


All configs are stored in the config directory. Each variant is stored independently in a subdirectory with the same name.


All types support the following config variants:

The lower the config variant is in the list, the higher its priority.

Package configuration 

Environment-dependent config 

The default Environment-dependent config is the config for the current NODE_ENV or NIMPL_CONFIG_ENV. If you want to use a config for specific env, pass it to nimplConfig

const { default: nimplConfig } = require('@nimpl/config/with-nimpl-config');

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
// ...

module.exports = nimplConfig({ envs: ['development', 'staging', 'production'], targetEnv: 'development' })(nextConfig);

Custom config folder 

const { default: nimplConfig } = require('@nimpl/config/with-nimpl-config');

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
// ...

module.exports = nimplConfig({ folder: 'custom-config-folder' })(nextConfig);


When the application runs, the package will create a file with type declarations - nimpl-config.d.ts.

After this, each config variant will be typed exactly in accordance with the default config.

You can also create this file manually:

// NOTE: This file should not be edited
// see for more information.

declare module "@nimpl/config/use-runtime-config" {
declare const useRuntimeConfig: () => typeof import('./config/runtime/default');
export default useRuntimeConfig;

declare module "@nimpl/config/build-config" {
export declare const buildConfig: typeof import('./config/build/default');

declare module "@nimpl/config/postbuild-config" {
export declare const postbuildConfig: typeof import('./config/postbuild/default');

declare module "@nimpl/config/server-config" {
export declare const serverConfig: Promise<typeof import('./config/server/default')>;

App configuration 


This type doesn't require any additional configuration.


Next.js config needs to be wrapped with nimplConfig.

const { default: nimplConfig } = require('@nimpl/config/with-nimpl-config');

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
// ...

module.exports = nimplConfig()(nextConfig);


Possible environments need to be passed to nimplConfig.

const { default: nimplConfig } = require('@nimpl/config/with-nimpl-config');

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
// ...

module.exports = nimplConfig({ envs: ['development', 'staging', 'production'] })(nextConfig);


First, create an API route.

export { runtimeConfigApi as GET } from '@nimpl/config/runtime-config-api';

export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic';
It is important to specify force-dynamic, otherwise next.js will compile this API route as static and it will not provide actual data for the environment

Wrap the application with the Provider.

import RuntimeConfigProvider from '@nimpl/config/runtime-config-provider';

export default function RootLayout() {
return (
<RuntimeConfigProvider apiPath='/api/config'>
// ...


Base example .


Read about working on the package and making changes on the contribution page


Please consider giving a star if you like it, it shows that the package is useful and helps continue work on this and other packages.

Create issues with wishes, ideas, difficulties, etc. All of them will definitely be considered and thought over.

Edge Router
Edge A/B Tests
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